Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)

HSE System

Our HSE System is based on the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 OH&S management system. ISO 45001:2018 provides the framework for managing OH&S risks and opportunities. The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-related injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces. The organisation eliminates hazards and minimises OH&S risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures to address the environmental risks and opportunities in the workplace.

Features of our HSE System

Top management commitment and involvement in occupational safety, health and the environment

Team work among divisions and individuals

System to identify occupational health, safety and environmental hazards and minimize health, safety and environmental risks Clear policies, processes and procedures for occupational safety, health and the environment

Clear responsibilities and accountabilities in the management system Uses the PDCA methodology – Plan, Do, Check and Act

Regular review of systems, policies, procedures and processes Documentation and control of documents

Solicit feedback and areas for improvement from customers, suppliers, public and employees

Training of staff in occupational safety, health and the environment Regular internal audits of the system Compliance with all legal requirements and communication of such requirements to all stakeholders Active participation by all employees in our HSE system.

HSE Policy


The management of NAKODA CHEMICALS LIMITED recognises the importance of providing all our employees, sub-contractors, and visitors with a safe and healthy work environment.

Our goal is to prevent all occupational injuries and illness.

The company will seek to achieve this by:

  • Adopting and carrying out all our work activities per safe working practices that comply with national and international safety regulations, standards, code of practices,
  • Establishing OHS objectives and targets, and reviewing them periodically,
  • Providing our personnel with safe and well-maintained tools and equipment for these work activities,
  • Complying with all applicable OHS legal and other requirements,
  • Providing training to all our employees to enhance their competence and awareness,
  • Establish, implement and maintain a recognised OHS management system and continually improve its effectiveness,
  • Communicate this policy to all our employees and persons working under our control, to ensure that they are aware of their individual OHS obligations,
  • Identify potential health threats, terrorist attack and hazards and eliminate them before they occur, and
  • Prepare and respond quickly to accidents, terror attack, ill health or other emergency situations to mitigate adverse impact on people, property and the environment.

All managers and supervisors are responsible and accountable for the safety and health of our employees, sub-contractors and company property under their control. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring compliance to all regulations, procedures and safe work practices in all work places, work-sites at all times.


All employees are expected to:

  • Follow and comply to our company and our client’s safety requirements and relevant Codes of Practice,
  • Maintain a clean and orderly work area,
  • Report all injuries and work-related incidents and accidents,
  • Actively participate in safety improvement activities.

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